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Digital Nature and Landscape Photography Mark Lucock

Digital Nature and Landscape Photography von Mark Lucock

Digital Nature and Landscape Photography Mark Lucock

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Landscape photography is one of the last bastions of film; gradually, however, that is changing and more and more leading landscape photographers are adopting digital technology. This work outlines simple techniques for ensuring that your landscape and nature images are both technically and creatively excellent.

Digital Nature and Landscape Photography Zusammenfassung

Digital Nature and Landscape Photography Mark Lucock

Landscape photography is one of the last bastions of film; gradually, however, that is changing and more and more leading landscape photographers are adopting digital technology. For many amateurs the question remains whether digital can truly live up to the quality of a Fuji Velvia slide. Mark Lucock is a practicing professional and outlines simple techniques for ensuring that your landscape and nature images are both technically and creatively excellent.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Digital Nature and Landscape Photography Mark Lucock
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
GMC Publications
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