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The Christmas Angel Marcia Willett

The Christmas Angel von Marcia Willett

The Christmas Angel Marcia Willett

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


As Christmas approaches, everything seems to be falling into place for Dossie. Her son Clem and his adorable five-year-old son Jakey have moved to Cornwall to be closer to her. She runs her own successful catering business. All she needs now is for the run of bad luck in her romantic life to end.

The Christmas Angel Zusammenfassung

The Christmas Angel Marcia Willett

'We're all pilgrims', he said thoughtfully. 'One way or another, aren't we? Always searching for something'. As Christmas approaches, everything seems to be falling into place for Dossie. Her son Clem and his adorable five-year-old son Jakey have moved to Cornwall to be closer to her. She runs her own successful catering business. All she needs now is for the run of bad luck in her romantic life to end. Forming a slightly unconventional family setup with Dossie are the jovial nuns of the local convent and the wonderfully eccentric Janna - a warm-hearted, generous woman who looks after little Jakey when she's not helping at the nunnery. With humour, kindness and a deep need of somewhere to belong, they form a tight bond. But the sisters' life as they know it is at risk when an avaricious property developer starts prowling around their Grade I listed building. Will this close-knit unit who so depend on each other still be together next Christmas? And what will they have learnt about the true meaning of family?

Über Marcia Willett

Marcia Willett's early life was devoted to the ballet, but her dreams of becoming a ballerina ended when she grew out of the classical proportions required. She had always loved books, and a family crisis made her take up a new career as a novelist - a decision she has never regretted. She lives in a beautiful, wild part of Devon where she loves to be visited by her son and his young family. www.marciawillett.co.uk

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Christmas Angel Marcia Willett
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Transworld Publishers Ltd
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