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Queerbook Malcolm Mackenzie

Queerbook von Malcolm Mackenzie

Queerbook Malcolm Mackenzie

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Queerness is everywhere and it always has been. But queer stories, culture and communities have been often hidden . . .

Queerbook Zusammenfassung

Queerbook Malcolm Mackenzie

Queerness is everywhere and it always has been. But queer stories, culture and communities have been often hidden . . .

Just take Marie Antoinette - it's well-known that she lost her big-bewigged head and was mad on cake, but not that her alleged love for the Princesse de Lamballe made her a symbol of lesbian love for centuries. Yes, really!

QUEERBOOK is an invitation to discover and celebrate queer joy, past and present. It's a whistlestop tour of all the fun (and serious) queer stuff that the foghorn of straight culture drowns out, and that you deserve to know: heroes and histories, science and stories, art, spaces, music, film, TV, fashion - along with jargon-free breakdowns of terms from sexuality and gender identity, to code-switching, deadnaming, intersectionality, bi-erasure, straightwashing, and much, much more.

You don't need any specific interests to read QUEERBOOK - all you need is curiosity and a desire to learn more about what it means to be LGBTQ+. So, say no to the Straightrix and enter the technicolour world over the rainbow . . . Ready? Queer we go!

Über Malcolm Mackenzie

Malcolm Mackenzie is an author, editor and journalist, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of pop culture. He has launched two teen magazines, winning Best Editor award from the British Society of Magazine Editors, and written books on K-Pop, BTS, Friends and Ariana Grande. He is also a regular contributor to the Guardian, GQ, Grazia and Glamour magazines.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Queerbook Malcolm Mackenzie
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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