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The White Empress Lyn Andrews

The White Empress von Lyn Andrews

The White Empress Lyn Andrews

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With total sales of over 1.8 million (source: BookScan) to her name, Lyn Andrews is one of the UK's favourite saga authors

The White Empress Zusammenfassung

The White Empress: A heart-warming saga of chasing your dreams Lyn Andrews

One of Lyn Andrews' first eight novels, transferring from the original publisher to Headline; already steady sellers, they will be targeted for a huge increase in sales Cat Cleary is a sixteen-year-old Irish 'slummy' arriving in Liverpool to seek and make her fortune. Joe Calligan, a young steam-packet deckhand, think she's the loveliest girl he's ever seen and hasn't the heart to tell her that Liverpool is full of people tramping the streets looking for work. And then Cat sees the White Empress, the huge luxury liner. In that moment her ambition is born -- to be chief stewardess on the world's great liner. In spite of her poverty, her lack of education, her family background, Cat Cleary sets about realising her incredible dream.

Über Lyn Andrews

Lyn Andrews was born and raised in Liverpool. She is the author of many novels, one of which was shortlisted for the RNA Romantic Novel of the Year Award; her last few novels have all been Sunday Times Top Ten bestsellers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The White Empress: A heart-warming saga of chasing your dreams Lyn Andrews
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Headline Publishing Group
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