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The Ancient Egyptians Louise Spilsbury

The Ancient Egyptians von Louise Spilsbury

The Ancient Egyptians Louise Spilsbury

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Who were the Ancient Egyptians and how did they live? Using your powers of analysis, work out what primary sources tell us about this ancient civilization.

The Ancient Egyptians Zusammenfassung

The Ancient Egyptians Louise Spilsbury

Who were the Ancient Egyptians and how did they live? Using your powers of analysis, work out what primary sources tell us about this ancient civilization.

Über Louise Spilsbury

Louise Spilsbury is an experienced author of nonfiction books for young people. Her writing covers a wide range of topics from animals and science to history and social studies.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Ancient Egyptians Louise Spilsbury
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Capstone Global Library Ltd
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