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I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home Lorrie Moore

I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home von Lorrie Moore

I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home Lorrie Moore

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He is living in an America hurtling headlong into hysteria, after all.

High up in a New York hospice, he sits with his beloved brother Max as he slips from one world into the next.

A call from Illinois summons him back to his troubled old flame Lily, the great love of his life.

I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home Zusammenfassung

I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home: 'The most irresistible contemporary American writer.' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Lorrie Moore

Finn is in the grip of middle-age and on an enforced break from work: it might be that he's 'too emotional' to teach history now. He is living in an America hurtling headlong into hysteria, after all.

High up in a New York hospice, he sits with his beloved brother Max as he slips from one world into the next.

A call from Illinois summons him back to his troubled old flame Lily, the great love of his life. Together, they'll embark on a road trip that opens a trapdoor in reality. Just the two of them, side by side again for one last time, coming to terms with all they meant to each other, and how they might go at what is left of life alone.

Über Lorrie Moore

Lorrie Moore is the award-winning author of five story collections, four novels, a collection of criticism and a children's book. A Gate at the Stairs was shortlisted for the 2010 Orange Prize, now the Women's Prize, and she has received numerous accolades from the Lannan Foundation, the National Books Critics Circle, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters. After serving for almost three decades as the Delmore Schwartz Professor in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Moore is now the Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of English at Vanderbilt University.

Zusätzliche Informationen

I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home: 'The most irresistible contemporary American writer.' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Lorrie Moore
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