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Wildwood Creek - A Novel Lisa Wingate

Wildwood Creek - A Novel von Lisa Wingate

Wildwood Creek - A Novel Lisa Wingate

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Allie Kirkland has discovered strange connections between herself and a teacher who disappeared a century ago in Wildwood. Is history about to repeat itself?

Wildwood Creek - A Novel Zusammenfassung

Wildwood Creek - A Novel Lisa Wingate

With love and loss tangled together, how was she to know where her life would lead? Allie Kirkland has always heard the call of her father's unfinished destiny. When she's offered a production assistant's job on a docudrama filming in the hills near Moses Lake, Texas, the dream of following in her director-father's footsteps suddenly seems within reach. The reenactment of the legendary frontier settlement of Wildwood is a first step into the film industry. A summer on set in the wilderness is a small price to pay for a dream. But in 1861, the real Wildwood held dangerous realities. Town founder Harland Delavan held helpless residents, including young Irish schoolteacher Bonnie Rose, in an iron grip. Mysterious disappearances led to myths and legends still retold in the region's folk songs. Eventually, the entire site was found abandoned. When filming begins, strange connections surface between Allie and the teacher who disappeared over a century ago, and everyone in Wildwood--including Blake Fulton, Allie's handsome neighbor on the film set--seems to be hiding secrets. Allie doesn't know whom she can trust. If she can't find the answers in time, history may repeat itself...with the most unthinkable results.

Über Lisa Wingate

Lisa Wingate is a popular inspirational speaker, magazine columnist, and national bestselling author of several books, including Talk of the Town; Larkspur Cove, finalist for the 2012 Christy and Carol Award; and Never Say Never, which won the 2011 Carol Award for Women's Fiction. Lisa and her family live in central Texas. Learn more at www.lisawingate.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Wildwood Creek - A Novel Lisa Wingate
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Baker Publishing Group
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