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Mothers Don't Katixa Agirre

Mothers Don't von Katixa Agirre

Mothers Don't Katixa Agirre

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


A mother kills her twins. Another woman, the narrator, is about to give birth. She is a writer and she knows the woman who killed the children. She takes a leave of absence to write and investigate the hidden truth behind the crime. Halfway between a thriller & a journalistic chronicle. A novel about the primal guilt that comes with being a mother.

Mothers Don't Zusammenfassung

Mothers Don't Katixa Agirre

A mother kills her twins. Another woman, the narrator, is about to give birth. She is a writer and realises that she knows the woman who killed the children. An obsession is triggered. She takes a leave of absence, not to nurture her baby, but to write. To investigate the hidden truth behind the crime. This book is halfway between a thriller and a journalistic chronicle. A novel about the primal guilt that comes with being a mother. Katixa Agirre also reflects on the relationship between motherhood and creativity, in dialogue with other female writers such as Sylvia Plath and Doris Lessing. The result is an unprecedented and profoundly disturbing book, in which no real answers are offered but more contradictions emerge.

Über Katixa Agirre

Katixa Agirre (Gasteiz - Euskadi, 1981) is one of the most promising literary talents in Basque language. In 2015 she published her first novel Atertu arte Itxaron awarded with the 111 Akademia Prize. With 'Amek ez dute' published by Elkar in 2018, she achieved an outstanding success in the Basque literature sphere, leading to the translation into Spanish by Editorial Transito, French by Globe, Dutch by Zirimiri Press & Catalan by Ara Llibres.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mothers Don't Katixa Agirre
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
3TimesRebel Press
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