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God Is Still Good Katie Faris

God Is Still Good von Katie Faris

God Is Still Good Katie Faris

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God Is Still Good Zusammenfassung

God Is Still Good: Gospel Hope and Comfort for the Unexpected Sorrows of Motherhood Katie Faris

God Is Still Good invites women to experience God's comfort and grace through the sorrows of motherhood and leads them to put their hope in Christ, despite the unexpected trials of life.

Über Katie Faris

Katie Faris (BA, Grove City College) is the author of He Will Be Enough: How God Takes You by the Hand Through Your Hardest Days and Loving My Children: Embracing Biblical Motherhood and a contributing writer to several blogs including the Gospel Coalition and Risen Motherhood. A pastor's wife and mother to five, Katie lives with her family in New Jersey. To learn more, visit katiefaris.com.

Megan Hill (BA, Grove City College) is the author of several books, including Praying Together; A Place to Belong; and Meg Is Not Alone. She also serves as the managing editor for the Gospel Coalition. A pastor's wife and a pastor's daughter, she lives in Massachusetts with her husband and four children, where they belong to West Springfield Covenant Community Church (PCA).

Zusätzliche Informationen

God Is Still Good: Gospel Hope and Comfort for the Unexpected Sorrows of Motherhood Katie Faris
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Crossway Books
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