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Trust Nobody June Hampson

Trust Nobody von June Hampson

Trust Nobody June Hampson

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Daisy Lane, whose husband, Kenny is in jail, runs the family's cafe, with Kenny's older brother. The Lane brothers were both abused by their father, but Eddie took the brunt of the beatings. In jail, Kenny becomes the victim of a sadistic homosexual. He takes it out on Daisy when she visits. Inevitably this drives her towards Eddie's open arms.

Trust Nobody Zusammenfassung

Trust Nobody June Hampson

It is 1962 and Daisy Lane, whose husband, Kenny is in jail for robbery, runs and lives over the family's cafe in Gosport, with Kenny's older brother, Eddie. Daisy looks out for pretty 16-year-old Suze, raped by her step-dad, terrified of sex and a magnet for predatory men. Also sharing the house is Daisy's friend Vera, a prostitute who boards with her cat Kibbles, a male she can always rely on - not that Vera is anyone's fool. The three women share a strong, mutually protective bond. The Lane brothers were both abused by their father, but Eddie took the brunt of the beatings. He has grown into a handsome, resourceful villain with a streak of viciousness, that leads him to commit acts of terrifying violence, to get this way - and his way includes organised prostitution and protection rackets. Daisy prefers not to know the details of Eddie's 'business' dealings. But hard man, Eddie has an achilles heel - Daisy. He loves his brother Kenny, but he worships his brother's wife. She resists him. In jail, Kenny becomes the victim of a sadistic homosexual. His psyche begins to crack and he takes it out on Daisy when she visits. Inevitably this drives her towards Eddie's open arms. Then Eddie overreaches and pulls a racket too far, venturing on the patch of a villain who is even harder and more territorial than he is ...

Über June Hampson

June Hampson lives in Gosport, Hampshire. She has held several jobs including, most recently, running her own market stall selling books. She writes poetry and has had several short stories published. TRUST NOBODY is her first novel.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Trust Nobody June Hampson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Orion Publishing Co
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