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Write Reflectively Julian Edwards

Write Reflectively von Julian Edwards

Write Reflectively Julian Edwards

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This is a step-by-step guide that offers students practical skills for reflecting on and learning from their experiences. This approach to reflective writing works for different types of assignments and situations.

Write Reflectively Zusammenfassung

Write Reflectively Julian Edwards

Your step-by-step guide to reflective writing, this book gives you the practical skills to reflect on and learn from your experiences.

With a clear framework that works for different situations and types of assignments, learn how to:

* Take the time and space to reflect
* Find a structure and writing style to communicate your experiences
* Solve real-world problems
* Set goals for future action

Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you'll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it's writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies.

  • Learn core skills quickly
  • Apply right away and see results
  • Succeed in your studies and life.

Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.

Über Julian Edwards

I have always wanted to be an author. I have worked as a journalist, teacher and university lecturer in my career to date. I have lived in the USA, Sudan, Japan and Portugal. I have returned to live in the UK having absorbed the different ways of thinking and learning in the world. Learning through experience and actively seeking a valid solution seems a common goal in most cultures, hence my interest in Writing Reflectively. I have worked for the University of Sussex, Southampton and Portsmouth where I am currently employed as a lecturer in Academic Skills. In my free-time I enjoy the challenge of preparing work for presentation in art galleries. I like water sports and fishing. I count birds every year in the British Breeding Bird Survey for the RSPB where I specialise in warblers, and on that note I should probably end this biography! I live where I grew up in the Chichester area and enjoy the flora, fauna and local archaeology. I am very nearly 60, but I still play five a side football and jog a lot.


What Is Writing Reflectively? Why Is A Reflective Learner Journal Useful? How Do I Prepare For A Reflective Assignment? How Do I Create A Good Theme? How do I manage my research time? What Do I Need To Write A Rough Plan? How Can I Use Critical Writing In My Final Draft? Which Techniques Help In Editing My Final Draft? How Do I Recycle My Assignment Feedback?

Zusätzliche Informationen

Write Reflectively Julian Edwards
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
SAGE Publications Ltd
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