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Dragonfly Julia Golding

Dragonfly von Julia Golding

Dragonfly Julia Golding

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Dragonfly Zusammenfassung

Dragonfly Julia Golding

When the uptight Fourth Crown Princess of the Blue Crescent Islands is sent to marry the 'uncouth' Ramil ac Burinholt, heir to the throne of Gerfal, they are both horrified. The princess is used to a life of discipline, ritual and splendour, Ramil to a life spent hunting and carousing. But the countries of both are under threat from the fearsome warlord Fergox Spearthrower and the only chance of peace is for them to form an alliance. So when Ramil and Tashi - as he insists on calling the princess to her annoyance - are kidnapped, things look disastrous. But the kidnap is the start of an exhilarating journey involving circus troupes, bloody battles, unarmed combat, daring escape and breakneck chases. Along the way, Ramil and Tashi learn much about themselves and one another, and through the cast of characters they encounter - a circus strongman, dashing rebels, brave slaves and many ordinary people - they begin to see a way to bring the mighty Fergox Spearthrower low, and save their beautiful lands from devastation and war.

Dragonfly Bewertungen

[Of Julia Golding's Companions Quartet]: '5/5 ... the story is so brilliant you simply have to read it. I would strongly advise this book so just buy it and read it!!!!!!!! Jenii, age 10 the most excellent book I have ever read. Amazon review If you are looking for a book for a child of junior age or above (or their Mum or Dad!) who enjoys fantasy fiction, then this would definitely be a great choice. Amazon review all the ingredients of a must-read series. Publishing News Crackles with tension TES

Zusätzliche Informationen

Dragonfly Julia Golding
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Oxford University Press
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Das Buch wurde gelesen, ist aber in gutem Zustand. Alle Seiten sind intakt, der Einband ist unversehrt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken. Das Buch wurde gelesen, sieht jedoch noch wie neu aus. Der Bucheinband weist keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren auf. Gegebenenfalls ist auch ein Schutzumschlag verfügbar. Keine fehlenden oder beschädigten Seiten, keine Risse, eventuell minimale Knicke, keine unterstrichenen oder markierten Textstellen, keine beschrifteten Ränder.