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Criminal Law Zusammenfassung

Criminal Law Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford, UK)

This bestselling, classic textbook provides a clear and straightforward account of criminal law, while also introducing current debates about the nature, scope and functions of the law and discussing wider controversies surrounding the basic doctrines. Written by one of the UK's leading experts on criminal law, this book is compact yet comprehensive, well-structured, stimulating and engaging. This is an ideal text for all students taking undergraduate and GDL/CPE courses in criminal law. Each chapter includes a Case Notes section which gives, in respect of the key cases mentioned in the text, a short account of the facts and decision. New to this Edition: - The new edition has been updated to reflect recent developments in the law. For example, it provides commentary on the comprehensive review and reform of the Law on Accessories, with reference to R v Jogee-

Über Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford, UK)

Jonathan Herring is Professor of Law at the University of Oxford and a Fellow in Law at Exeter College, Oxford. He is series editor of the Great Debates in Law series, also published by Macmillan International Higher Education.


PART I: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY 1. Introduction to Criminal Law 2. Procedures and Structures of Criminal Law 3. The External Elements 4. Causation 5. The Mental Element 6. Corporate Crime and Strict Liability PART II: OFFENCES AGAINST THE PERSON 7. Assaults 8. Sexual Offences 9. Murder 10. Manslaughter PART III: OFFENCES AGAINST PROPERTY 11. Theft 12. Offences Connected to Theft 13. Fraud 14. Other Offences Against Property PART IV: DEFENCES 15. Denial of Elements of Offences 16. General Defences PART V: PARTICIPATION IN CRIME 17. Accessories 18. Inchoate Offences.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Criminal Law Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford, UK)
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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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