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Soul Jonathan Harding

Soul von Jonathan Harding

Soul Jonathan Harding

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Does football care about developing the person as much as the player? Speaking to coaches, psychologists and teachers around the world, Soul investigates the ways in which being an athlete doesn't mean giving up on personal development.

Soul Zusammenfassung

Soul: Beyond the Athlete Jonathan Harding

Does football care about developing the person as much as the player? Speaking to coaches, psychologists and teachers around the world, Soul investigates the ways in which being an athlete doesn't mean giving up on personal development. Aided by insights from other sports, Soul is both a practical guide and a collection of stories that shows just how important it is to look beyond the athlete. From the real cost of being in football to the unhealthy playing field that currently exists, Soul doesn't hold back in revealing its ultimate message: that the game needs to care more about people.

Über Jonathan Harding

Jonathan Harding is a freelance sports writer who specialises in German football. He is also a mental health first aider, has a certificate in player care and is working towards a greater understanding of athlete well-being. Jonathan lives in Germany, where he has been since 2012.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Soul: Beyond the Athlete Jonathan Harding
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Ockley Books Ltd
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