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Selling John Fenton

Selling von John Fenton

Selling John Fenton

Zustand - Wie Neu
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This guide looks at how you, as a sales person, can really stand out from the crowd and double your earning power. It tells you how to start the day right, how to get your self-image right and how to organize yourself for chasing business (not just customers).

Selling Zusammenfassung

Selling: The Most Important Job in the World John Fenton

This guide looks at how you, as a sales person, can really stand out from the crowd and double your earning power. It argues that the sales people at the top of their business need to develop the killer instinct, that driving force that enables them to do the right things, all the time. The book examines how to start the day right, how to get your self-image right, how to organize yourself for chasing business (not just customers), working smarter and monitoring your personal performance. This book is one of a series of four sales books by John Fenton.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Selling: The Most Important Job in the World John Fenton
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Management Books 2000 Ltd
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