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Persuasion James Borg

Persuasion von James Borg

Persuasion James Borg

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Persuasion Zusammenfassung

Persuasion: The art of influencing people James Borg

It pays to be persuasive. From senior managers to new-starters in business; at home, in the office and in the boardroom the ability to confidently motivate, influence and convince others offers a competitive edge that can really set you apart and help you get what you want. Learn the power of words; how to be an effective listener; how to develop and enhance your memory; how to control the attention of others and how to read body language and other non-verbal signs. Persuasion will boost your persuasive and intuitive skills to amazing new levels and will help you achieve more in every area of your life.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Persuasion: The art of influencing people James Borg
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pearson Education Limited
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