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The Phoenix Generation Henry Williamson

The Phoenix Generation von Henry Williamson

The Phoenix Generation Henry Williamson

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A novel of the troubled and decadent years before the Second World War. It shows the survivors of the Western Front as a phoenix generation impelled to reject the past in order to make a country 'fit for heroes'.

The Phoenix Generation Zusammenfassung

The Phoenix Generation Henry Williamson

Volume twelve of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. In this novel of the troubled and decadent years before the Second World War, Phillip Maddison sees the survivors of the Western Front as a phoenix generation impelled to reject the past in order to make a country 'fit for heroes'. Yet he remains aloof from any direct action, preferring to plan his own history of the Great War and its aftermath while becoming deeply involved in his own problems. Looking meanwhile over the international scene, as the storm clouds of war gather inexorably, the Faust-like figure of Hitler is preaching the advent of a new Europe, based on a thousand years of peace. 'He commands, and is able to turn to artistic ends, a powerful and mournful sense of the near past which has shaped and distorted us into what we are.' Normal Shrapnel, Guardian

Über Henry Williamson

Henry Williamson was born in December 1895 and died in August 1977. The last great visionary of his generation, he was both loved and misunderstood and his writing by turns famous and neglected. His huge literary output fell into several groups. Apart from his well-loved animal narratives he wrote direct accounts of his own life in rural Norfolk and Devon, numerous short stories and two semi-autobiographical groups of novels - The Flax Dream and A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, of which the last volume, The Gale of the World appeared in 1969. His last book, The Scandaroon, the tale of a pigeon, was published in 1972.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Phoenix Generation Henry Williamson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Faber & Faber
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