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Lucifer Before Sunrise Henry Williamson

Lucifer Before Sunrise von Henry Williamson

Lucifer Before Sunrise Henry Williamson

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Beginning in the winter of 1940/1 and ending with the uneasy 'sunrise' of peace in 1945, this volume sees Phillip Maddison striving idealistically to hold a balance while lamenting the division and possible total ruin of Europe, as he copes with the day-to-day problems of running the East Anglian farm he has wrested from virtual wilderness.

Lucifer Before Sunrise Zusammenfassung

Lucifer Before Sunrise Henry Williamson

Volume fourteen of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. Beginning in the winter of 1940/1 and ending with the uneasy 'sunrise' of peace in 1945, this volume sees Phillip Maddison striving idealistically to hold a balance while lamenting the division and possible total ruin of Europe, as he copes with the day-to-day problems of running the East Anglian farm he has wrested from virtual wilderness. The pattern of everyday living in those years is lovingly evoked: the bomber-haunted nights, the petty profiteering and gossip of country life - all essential, but often unrecorded, elements of the wartime scene.

'The sequence will stand, at the end, as a massive emotional record.' Guardian

Über Henry Williamson

Henry Williamson was born in December 1895 and died in August 1977. The last great visionary of his generation, he was both loved and misunderstood and his writing by turns famous and neglected. His huge literary output fell into several groups. Apart from his well-loved animal narratives he wrote direct accounts of his own life in rural Norfolk and Devon, numerous short stories and two semi-autobiographical groups of novels - The Flax Dream and A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, of which the last volume, The Gale of the World appeared in 1969. His last book, The Scandaroon, the tale of a pigeon, was published in 1972.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Lucifer Before Sunrise Henry Williamson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Faber & Faber
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