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Call it Sleep Henry Roth

Call it Sleep von Henry Roth

Call it Sleep Henry Roth

Zustand - Wie Neu
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David Schearl arrives in New York in his mother's arms to begin his new life as an immigrant. David is hated by his father, but is fiercely loved and protected by his Yiddish-speaking mother. This novel interweaves the love between a mother and son with the terrors and anxieties David experiences, as he seeks to find his own identity.

Call it Sleep Zusammenfassung

Call it Sleep Henry Roth

David Schearl arrives in New York in his mother's arms to begin his new life as an immigrant in the 'Golden Land'. David is hated by his father - an angry, violent man unable to find his niche in the New World - but is fiercely loved and protected by his Yiddish-speaking mother. An innovative, multi-lingual novel, Call It Sleep subtly interweaves the overwhelming love between a mother and son with the terrors and anxieties David experiences, as he seeks to find his own identity amidst the cultural disarray of early twentieth-century America.

Über Henry Roth

Henry Roth (1906-1995) was born in the Austro-Hungarian province of Galitzia. He probably landed on Elis Island in 1909, and began his life in New York on the Lower East Side, in the slums where Call It Sleep is set. He is the author as well of Shifting Landscapes, a collection of essays, and the Mercy of a Rude Stream tetralogy.

Alfred Kazin (1915-98), was an American critic. His first book, On Native Grounds (1942), is a critical study of American prose literature from Howells to Faulkner. Later essay collections include The Inmost Leaf (1955), Contemporaries (1962), Bright Book of Life (1973), An American Procession (1984), Writing Was Everything (1995), and God & the American Writer (1997).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Call it Sleep Henry Roth
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Penguin Books Ltd
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