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Digging Ditches Helen Roseveare

Digging Ditches von Helen Roseveare

Digging Ditches Helen Roseveare

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Doctor Helen Roseveare, affectionately called Mama Luka, has pioneered vital medical work in the Rain Forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This story of obedience despite hardships, shows the necessity of trusting God and challenges us to step out of our comfort zone.

Digging Ditches Zusammenfassung

Digging Ditches: The Latest Chapter of an Inspirational Life Helen Roseveare

Doctor Helen Roseveare, affectionately called Mama Luka, pioneered vital medical work in the Rain forests of the Belgian Congo - now the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Throughout her eight years in training for the mission field and her first twelve years in Congo Helen Roseveare had prayed that God would give her a mountain top experience of his glory and power. However, after enduring civil war and having to start from the beginning again, and later when caring for her elderly mother, she realised that God's work is done in the valleys.

He gives us the valleys and we are to dig the ditches (2 Kings 3: 16), trusting that they will be filled with life-giving water at the appropriate time.

This is an inspiring story because it shows those times when God's blessings seem withdrawn - they are subsequently shown to have been there all the time.

If you have ever experienced times when God's call on your life seems remote, or you are encountering trials and problems, you will find refreshment from Helen's pen. She shows how 'trusting in the Lord' can be a gritty, rewarding drama rather than a wispy platitude.

Digging Ditches Bewertungen

'Thousands have been mobilised to serve, to give and pray, because of Helen Roseveare's ministry. I have already lent my copy of this book to a friend, and ordered stocks for the church bookstall.'

-- Julia Cameron, Evangelicals Now Review

Über Helen Roseveare

Helen Roseveare (1925-2016) went to the Congo as a missionary between 1953 and 1973. A pioneer of vital medical work in the rainforests of this region, she had a major impact long after she left. Through many trials, she lived out her life striving to serve her Lord with every day and encouraging those around her to do the same.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Digging Ditches: The Latest Chapter of an Inspirational Life Helen Roseveare
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Christian Focus Publications Ltd
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