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Creative Display Geraldine James

Creative Display von Geraldine James

Creative Display Geraldine James

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Treasured personal possessions are what turns a house into a home, but finding ways to display them can be a challenge.

Creative Display Zusammenfassung

Creative Display: Inspiring Ideas to Make Every Surface Beautiful Geraldine James

Whether you have a single treasured objet d'art or a collection of nature finds gathered on a country walk, a family of framed photographs or a set of leatherbound books, a trio of glass candlesticks or an ever-growing pile of bone china plates, here you will find new and exciting ways to present them. In Creative Display, Geraldine James shows how you can create the perfect table setting from mismatched plates and cutlery trawled from a fleamarket, how the simplest set of shelves can be arranged to create a miniature still-life and how essential storage can become something beautiful in its own right. With a natural talent for seeking out the unusual, Geraldine introduces new ways to upcycle the everyday and recycle the reclaimed - a weathered barn door becomes a striking side table, a stack of magazines reinvents itself as a lamp table and a gently rusting metal radiator cover finds a new life as a display shelf for a treasured collected of seashells. In Geraldine's hands, the everyday item becomes a work of art and even the most mundane objects can be seen in a new light. In Creative Display you will find new and unusual ways to turn all your treasures into exciting art forms.

Über Geraldine James

Geraldine James started her career in fashion as a contemporary designer buyer, and from fashion she moved to home and gift. Geraldine soon developed a passion for collecting and finding the most unusual and beautiful things. She now works as a home buying manager at Selfridges and, as part of her role, spends time travelling extensively to find exciting new products for the store.

The author is based in Putney, London.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Creative Display: Inspiring Ideas to Make Every Surface Beautiful Geraldine James
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd
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