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Jazz From The Beginning Garvin Bushell

Jazz From The Beginning von Garvin Bushell

Jazz From The Beginning Garvin Bushell

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In this biography, Garvin Bushell recounts his musical experience, with candid assessments of the legends with whom he performed as well as an account of the early days of jazz and the racism he encountered. This text is based upon a series of interviews conducted by Mark Tucker.

Jazz From The Beginning Zusammenfassung

Jazz From The Beginning Garvin Bushell

Jazz clarinetist, saxophonist, and bassoonist Garvin Bushell (1902-1991) performed with many of the twentieth century's greatest jazz musicians,from Fletcher Henderson, Fats Waller, and Cab Calloway to Eric Dolphy, Gil Evans, and John Coltrane,during his remarkable career that spanned from 1916 to the 1980s. Although best known as a jazz soloist and sideman, Bushell also played oboe and bassoon with symphony orchestras and was a highly regarded instructor of woodwinds. In Jazz from the Beginning , Bushell vividly recounts his musical experiences, featuring candid assessments of the legends with whom he performed as well as eye-opening accounts of the early days of jazz and the racism that he encountered on the road. Based on a series of interviews conducted by jazz scholar Mark Tucker, these memoirs provide a colourful account of Bushell's extraordinary life and career as well as an important record of seventy years of America's musical history.

Über Garvin Bushell

Jazz clarinetist, saxophonist, and bassoonist Garvin Bushell (1902-1991) performed with many of the twentieth century's greatest jazz musicians.


* Springfield * Early Years in New York * Ethel Waters and the Black Swan Troubadors * On the Vaudeville Circuit * Sam Wooding and the Nest Club * On the Road with Chocolate Kiddies in Europe and South America * Back Home Again * Tough Guys and High Society * With Fess, Fat Man, and Fletcher * Cab Calloway * Chick Webb * On My Own * Settling Down * Rex Stewart and the Fletcher Henderson Reunion * From Dixieland to Dolphy * A Trip to Africa * Puerto Rico * Las Vegas * Appendix A: A Gavin Bushell Discography with Selected Comments and Identification of Soloists * Appendix B: A Glossary of Musicians and Performers

Zusätzliche Informationen

Jazz From The Beginning Garvin Bushell
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