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Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Frederick Capt. Marryat

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer von Frederick Capt. Marryat

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Frederick Capt. Marryat

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Frank Mildmay is a rogue and a rascal who cuts a memorable swath as he moves up the ranks of the 19th-century Royal Navy.

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Zusammenfassung

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Frederick Capt. Marryat

Frank Mildmay is a rogue and a rascal who cuts a memorable swath as he move up the ranks of the early 19th-century Royal navy. Whether seducing pretty girls ashore, braving hurricanes at sea or scrambling aboard a French privateer with cutlass bared, Mildmay and his adventures live on!

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Bewertungen

This was Marryat's navy, his world, and no one brings it to us with greater authenticity. --Alexander Kent
Marryat's writing . . . is also absorbing and delightful. --J. S. Bratton, The Novel to 1900

Über Frederick Capt. Marryat

Captain Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) was an actual 19th-century British naval hero who lived a saga worthy of the novels of C.S. Forester and Patrick O'Brian. He survived fifty naval battles on the crack frigate Imperieuse under Lord Cochrane-the real-life model for Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey. In addition to plenty of cannonfire, battle strategy, peril, and passion-liberally sprinkled with wit and fine turns of phrase-Marryat's real-life naval experiences lend his novels a truly remarkable authenticity.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer Frederick Capt. Marryat
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Globe Pequot Press
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