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Reading Between the Lines Emma Bache

Reading Between the Lines von Emma Bache

Reading Between the Lines Emma Bache

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Are you creative with a strong imagination? Or easily distracted and oversensitive? Or perhaps you have a strong physical and sexual drive? Your handwriting will reveal all!

Reading Between the Lines Zusammenfassung

Reading Between the Lines: What your handwriting says about you Emma Bache


Find out what your handwriting says about you!

Handwriting is something of a dying art nowadays, as we tap messages to each other day after day. But handwriting analysis can divulge everything from a person's timidity to their ambition, from their desire to please to their need to control. In fact, so revealing is your writing that in Japan all CVs are still written by hand.

Written by the UK's leading handwriting expert, Reading Between the Lines will show you how to judge someone's handwriting as a whole and how to examine it in detail. Because every aspect of penmanship - the height of an 'h', the curliness of a 'g', the pressure of the pen on the paper - is a collection of signals that we are giving out without meaning to. The way we write can tell the world a huge amount; sometimes more than the things we write about.

Our handwriting exposes how we interact with the world and the people around us, and also how we cope with stress and express emotions. It can help us make choices for our future, showing us what our desires are, and even what jobs and partners may suit us best.

Using real-life examples, including celebrity samples, you will be challenged to put your new-found knowledge to the test. By the end of the book you will have amassed a wealth of knowledge that will help you understand human nature - including your own - in all its colours.

Reading Between the Lines Bewertungen

Having used [Emma Bache's] skills in my business life, I will be fascinated to read more from one of the most perceptive, talented and hilarious women I know. * Emma Kane, CITY AM *

Über Emma Bache

The UK's leading handwriting expert, Emma Bache has worked as a graphologist since 1989, analysing handwriting in both the Corporate and private sectors. With additional qualifications in Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, Emma has helped to solve cases of fraud for both private individuals and the corporate world, giving a valuable insight into the criminal mind. She has had her own columns in The Times and the Financial Times and has written for other major publications such as the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian and Cosmopolitan. She has made frequent TV and Radio appearances, including GMTV's This Morning, BBC's History Hunter and Radio 4's Today Programme.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Reading Between the Lines: What your handwriting says about you Emma Bache
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Quercus Publishing
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