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Midnight Letterbox Edwin Morgan

Midnight Letterbox von Edwin Morgan

Midnight Letterbox Edwin Morgan

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A selection of letters from the most popular modern Scottish poet.

Midnight Letterbox Zusammenfassung

Midnight Letterbox Edwin Morgan

One of the central figures of twentieth-century Scottish literature, Edwin Morgan was a prolific letter-writer. His correspondence, like his poetry, is wide-ranging, full of generosity and enthusiasm, and above all a testament to his lifelong commitment to exploring the possibilities of poetry. This selection of his letters, spanning Morgan's full career as a teacher and writer, enables readers to track the development of his ideas, his friendships and his creative collaborations. At the same time it provides a superbly engaging portrait of a man with a boundless interest in the fast-changing world around him.

Über Edwin Morgan

Edwin Morgan was born in Glasgow and lived there almost all his life. He completed a Master's degree at Glasgow University before teaching there, becoming Professor of English in 1975. He was the leading translator of Europoean poetry into English and Scots. He retired as Professor Emeritus in 1980. James McGonigal was Professor of Education at Glasgow University. Beyond the Last Dragon, his biography of Edwin Morgan, was published in 2012. John Coyle is Senior Lecturer in English at Glasgow University and a leading critic of modernism.


Introduction 1 Prologue, 5 1950s, 6 1960s, 52 1970s, 243 1980s, 324 1990s, 386 2000s, 463 Further Reading, 519 Index

Zusätzliche Informationen

Midnight Letterbox Edwin Morgan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Carcanet Press Ltd
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