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Mapp And Lucia E. F. Benson

Mapp And Lucia von E. F. Benson

Mapp And Lucia E. F. Benson

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Subtly brilliant comedy of social rivalry between the wars.

Mapp And Lucia Zusammenfassung

Mapp And Lucia E. F. Benson

MAPP AND LUCIA is the centrepiece of E.F. Benson's series of Lucia novels - bringing together for the first time the eponymous middle-aged doyennes of polite 1930s society Miss Elizabeth Mapp and Emmeline Luca (Lucia to her friends). Lucia, recently widowed, is the newcomer to the village of Tilling and eager to wrest the reins of social supremacy from the incumbant Miss Mapp and install herself as its benevolent dictator. In their polite acts of sabotage and ruthless jockeying for the position of cultural arbiter Mapp and Lucia tear up the conventions of drawing-room bridge evenings as their deadly weapons. Things finally come to a head with Miss Mapp's audacious attempt to steal her rival's celebrated Lobster a la Riseholme. E.F. Benson's charming satrical bent turns the pretensions and snobberies of English village life into a vicious comedy

Über E. F. Benson

Edward Francis Benson was born in 1867 and educated at King's College, Cambridge. Mayor of Rye from 1934 to 1937, Benson was awarded the O.B.E. and made an Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. E. F. Benson died in 1940.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mapp And Lucia E. F. Benson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Little, Brown Book Group
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