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Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions Dr. Mike Goldsmith

Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions von Dr. Mike Goldsmith

Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions Dr. Mike Goldsmith

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Ever heard of a motorized ice cream cone? A breath-powered foot warmer? An tooth-exercising device? This is a hilarious collection of the world's most useless inventions. Readers will find solutions to problems they never knew existed. Some of the brainchildren here never made it off the drawing board, while others went on to conquer the world.

Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions Zusammenfassung

Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions Dr. Mike Goldsmith

A brand new series from the home of humour for children! Inventions is all about weird, wild and frankly bonkers inventions. Some that never made out of the inventor's brain, some that never made it off the drawing board and some that really shouldn't have made it but did!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Snot Collectors and Spider Ladders and Other Bonkers Inventions Dr. Mike Goldsmith
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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