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50 Bronze Age Finds Dot Boughton

50 Bronze Age Finds von Dot Boughton

50 Bronze Age Finds Dot Boughton

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Serien50 Finds


A fascinating selection of Bronze Age finds from across the country, from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

50 Bronze Age Finds Zusammenfassung

50 Bronze Age Finds: From the Portable Antiquities Scheme Dot Boughton

British Bronze Age artefacts made from copper, bronze, gold, flint, jet and shale are renowned throughout Europe for their beauty and exquisite craftsmanship. In England and Wales, many new discoveries are made each year by members of the public and recorded with the British Museum's Portable Antiquities Scheme. Recent nationally important finds include the gold lunula from Tarrant Valley (Dorset) and the gold and silver striped penannular ring from Havant (Hampshire). The metalwork hoard from Boughton Malherbe (Kent) is the third largest metalwork hoard ever discovered in Britain. Here, Dot Boughton investigates finds and hoards discovered over the last twenty years and uses them to discuss the development of the different Bronze Age weapon, tool, vessel and ornament types from their humble origins to their individual peaks in the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age.

Über Dot Boughton

Dot Boughton is Finds Liaison Officer for Lancashire and Cumbria for the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

Zusätzliche Informationen

50 Bronze Age Finds: From the Portable Antiquities Scheme Dot Boughton
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amberley Publishing
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