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The Afterlife Donald Antrim

The Afterlife von Donald Antrim

The Afterlife Donald Antrim

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Investigating what happens to us after we die, this book looks at religious beliefs, spiritualism, near-death experiences, past lives, haunted houses, electronic spooks, animal survival, bedroom visitors and other aspects of the paranormal. Scientific opinions and anecdotal accounts are included.

The Afterlife Zusammenfassung

The Afterlife: An Investigation into the Mysteries of Life After Death Donald Antrim

Investigating what happens to us after we die, this book looks at religious beliefs, spiritualism, near-death experiences, past lives, haunted houses, electronic spooks, animal survival, bedroom visitors and other aspects of the paranormal. Each chapter examines one aspect and includes scientific opinions, eyewitness stories, anecdotal accounts and a summary of the main points for and against the notion of life after death.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Afterlife: An Investigation into the Mysteries of Life After Death Donald Antrim
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Little, Brown Book Group
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