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Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook David Glover

Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook von David Glover

Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook David Glover

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The Workbook reinforces the learning content in the Pupil's Book with fun, practical activities. Key areas of knowledge are built up gradually and thoroughly and clear learning outcomes make the purpose of each unit clear to pupils.

Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook Zusammenfassung

Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook David Glover

Consolidates and reinforces the material from the Pupils Book
Activities help to further develop student understanding
Perfect for quiet classroom time

Über David Glover

David Glover PhD, BSc, MInstP held research and teaching posts at the Central Electricity Generating Board, the Cavendish Laboratory and the Open University before becoming a full time science education author. He has written an extensive range of international science text books and CD-ROMs for all levels of the school curriculum. Penny Glover Dip.Ed. has more than 30 years teaching experience in primary schools. For twelve years she was Head of Early Years at a large primary school in Cambridge. She is co-author, with her husband David, of a number of pupils' books, work books and readers for the early years curriculum.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Macmillan Science Level 5 Workbook David Glover
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Macmillan Education
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