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Power Trip Damian McBride

Power Trip von Damian McBride

Power Trip Damian McBride

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This is the 10th anniversary edition of the most explosive political memoir of the past decade.

Power Trip Zusammenfassung

Power Trip: A Decade of Policy, Plots and Spin Damian McBride

From 1999 to 2009, Damian McBride worked at the heart of the Treasury and No. 10. He was a pivotal member of Gordon Brown's inner circle before a notorious scandal propelled him out of Downing Street and onto the front pages. When he released his memoir Power Trip in 2013, its frank depiction of the dirty work that props up British politics was greeted with shock, disgust and awe. Never before had the lid been blown off the Westminster system with such ferocity. Throughout the book, McBride made no effort to cleanse his reputation; instead, he sought relentlessly to expose the manipulation, plotting and skullduggery that lay at New Labour's core. Ten years on, Power Trip remains the essential guide to understanding the murky underbelly of modern politics and how it can shape and corrupt those who inhabit it for too long. Now updated with a new foreword, this is the 10th anniversary edition of the most explosive political memoir of the past decade.

Über Damian McBride

Damian McBride was born in North London in 1974, the youngest of four brothers. He was educated at Finchley Catholic High School and read history at Peterhouse, Cambridge. He joined HM Customs and Excise as a fast stream civil servant in 1996, and moved to the Treasury in 1999. In 2003, he became the Treasury's Head of Communications, reporting directly to Gordon Brown. After the 2005 election, he left the civil service to become the Chancellor's political adviser, a role he maintained when Brown became Prime Minister in 2007. He was sacked in April 2009 after emails from him emerged planning a smear campaign against senior Tory politicians. He is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling Power Trip.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Power Trip: A Decade of Policy, Plots and Spin Damian McBride
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Biteback Publishing
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