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Foundations for the LPC 2019-2020 Clare Firth (Solicitor (non-practising), Senior Lecturer in Legal Practice, Director of Legal Practice, University of Sheffield)

Foundations for the LPC 2019-2020 von Clare Firth (Solicitor (non-practising), Senior Lecturer in Legal Practice, Director of Legal Practice, University of Sheffield)


Foundations for the LPC covers the compulsory foundation areas of the Legal Practice Course as set out in the LPC outcomes: professional conduct, tax and revenue law, and wills and administration of estates. It also features coverage of human rights.

Foundations for the LPC 2019-2020 Zusammenfassung

Foundations for the LPC 2019-2020 Clare Firth (Solicitor (non-practising), Senior Lecturer in Legal Practice, Director of Legal Practice, University of Sheffield)

Foundations for the LPC covers the compulsory foundation areas of the Legal Practice Course as set out in the LPC outcomes: professional conduct, tax and revenue law, and wills and administration of estates. The book also discusses human rights law, a topic now taught pervasively across the LPC course. Using worked examples and scenarios throughout to illustrate key points, this guide is essential reading for all students and a useful reference source for practitioners. To aid understanding and test comprehension of the core material, checkpoints and summaries feature in every chapter. Online Resources Online resources accompanying the text include useful web links, forms, and diagrams.


Part 1: Introduction 1: Professional conduct 2: Financial services 3: Money laundering Part 2: Revenue Law 4: An introduction to revenue law 5: Income tax 6: Capital gains tax 7: Inheritance tax 8: Corporation tax 9: Value added tax 10: Taxation of sole proprietors and partnerships 11: Taxation of trusts and settlements Part 3: Wills and Administration of Estates 12: Introduction to wills and administration of estates 13: Entitlement to the estate 14: Application for a grant of representation 15: Post-grant practice Part 4: Human Rights 16: Human rights

Zusätzliche Informationen

Foundations for the LPC 2019-2020 Clare Firth (Solicitor (non-practising), Senior Lecturer in Legal Practice, Director of Legal Practice, University of Sheffield)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Oxford University Press
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