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UnAnxious Claire Chamberlain

UnAnxious von Claire Chamberlain

UnAnxious Claire Chamberlain

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This pocket-sized guide will help you recognize and understand the way you feel, and offers practical advice for looking after your mental and physical well-being. From challenging the way you think to making positive lifestyle changes, this book is your starting point for a more carefree, content and confident you.

UnAnxious Zusammenfassung

UnAnxious: How to Manage Your Worries, Transform Your Attitude and Feel More Positive Every Day Claire Chamberlain

Don't let anxiety define who you are

In a world where we are constantly comparing our looks, our lifestyles, our jobs and our relationships with others, it can be easy to let worries get the better of us. The truth is, whether you're sociable or solitary, extroverted or introverted, anxiety will affect us all at some point in our lives.

This pocket-sized guide will help you recognize and understand the way you feel, and offers practical advice for looking after your mental and physical well-being. From challenging the way you think to making positive lifestyle changes, this book is your starting point for a more carefree, content and confident you.

Über Claire Chamberlain

Claire Chamberlain is a freelance writer, specializing in health, fitness and well-being. She lives in South East London with her husband, two children and rescue cat, Oscar.

Zusätzliche Informationen

UnAnxious: How to Manage Your Worries, Transform Your Attitude and Feel More Positive Every Day Claire Chamberlain
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Octopus Publishing Group
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