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Doomed Chuck Palahniuk

Doomed von Chuck Palahniuk

Doomed Chuck Palahniuk

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For Madison, the encounter triggers memories of the awful summer she spent upstate with Nana Minnie and her grandfather, Papadaddy. Madison has been in Satan's sights from the very beginning, as through her and her narcissistic celebrity parents he plans to engineer an era of eternal damnation.

Doomed Zusammenfassung

Doomed Chuck Palahniuk

The bestselling Damned chronicled Madison's journey across the unspeakable (and really gross) landscape of the afterlife to confront the Devil himself. But her story isn't over yet. In a series of electronic dispatches from the Great Beyond, Doomed describes the ultimate showdown between Good and Evil. After a Halloween ritual gone awry, Madison finds herself trapped in Purgatory - or, as mortals like you and I know it, Earth. She can see and hear every detail of the world she left behind, yet she's invisible to everyone who's still alive. Not only do people look right through her, they walk right through her as well. The upside is that, no longer subject to physical limitations, she can pass through doors and walls. Her first stop is her parents' luxurious apartment, where she encounters the ghost of her long-deceased grandmother. For Madison, the encounter triggers memories of the awful summer she spent upstate with Nana Minnie and her grandfather, Papadaddy. As she revisits the painful truth of what transpired over those months, her saga of eternal damnation takes on a new and sinister meaning. Madison has been in Satan's sights from the very beginning, as through her and her narcissistic celebrity parents he plans to engineer an era of eternal damnation. For everyone. Once again, our unconventional but plucky heroine must face her fears and gather her wits for the battle of a lifetime. Dante Alighieri, watch your back; Chuck Palahniuk is gaining on you.

Doomed Bewertungen

It's not for the faint-stomached. It's also rather brilliant... A grand, funny, troubling and rewarding read... Maddie is my new post-alive heroine. -- Euan Ferguson * Observer *
Funny, bloody and always original. But then we should expect nothing less from the creator of Fight Club. * The Sun *
Instantly engaging (and excellently gory)... it makes Tyler Durden's psychological problems look positively pedestrian. * Shortlist *
A fantastic exploration of modern fame, unfolding in typically opaque sci-fi style as we follow child-of-the-stars Madison after she overdoses on Oscar night and is driven to hell in a limo. * Grazia *
Hellishly good reading... Filled with Palahniuk's sublimely detailed grossness and blacker-than-black giggles. * Bizarre *

Über Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck Palahniuk is the bestselling author of fifteen fictional works, including Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Survivor, Choke, Lullaby, Diary, Haunted, Rant, Pygmy, Tell-All, Damned, Doomed, Beautiful You, and most recently Make Something Up. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Doomed Chuck Palahniuk
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Vintage Publishing
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