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The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War Chuck D. Pierce

The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War von Chuck D. Pierce

The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War Chuck D. Pierce

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Pierce and Dickson unfold a biblical model of worship, revealing how to ascend to God's throne room in worship and descend in His power to declare His will in our lives, our cities, and the nations. Discover how to push back the kingdom of darkness through worship to recover God's blessings.

The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War Zusammenfassung

The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War Chuck D. Pierce

Release the Rule of God Upon the Earth As God's people boldly enter His throne room in adoration and praise, we are clothed with His authority to claim the earth for His kingdom! The Worship Warrior shows you how to ascend in worship and descend in God's power to declare His will in your life, your family, your city and the nations. In this revised and updated edition of their bestselling book, Chuck Pierce and John Dickson uncover the biblical model of worship and show you how to push back the kingdom of darkness to claim God's blessings. Each chapter concludes with fresh prophetic insights that reveal what God is seeking to accomplish in the near future through worship and spiritual warfare. Are you ready to go to war? The Worship Warrior is your call to arms, and it will ignite a fervor in your spirit for God's rule and reign over the earth.

Über Chuck D. Pierce

Chuck D. Pierce is president of Glory of Zion International Ministries and president of Global Spheres, Inc. in Corinth, Texas. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and eight grandchildren.

JOHN A. DICKSON has been leading the Body of Christ in worship since the early days of the Jesus Movement in the 1970s. He leads the Glory of Zion International worship team, which is known for ministry in prophetic songs and breakthrough praise. He is coauthor of The Worship Warrior.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Worship Warrior - Ascending In Worship, Descending in War Chuck D. Pierce
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Baker Publishing Group
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