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War in an Age of Risk Christopher Coker

War in an Age of Risk von Christopher Coker

War in an Age of Risk Christopher Coker

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Wars throughout history have been fought in the name of ideology, religion and the pursuit of peace. Our thinking about war - when it is justified, how it should be fought and how it is perceived - has changed dramatically over time.

War in an Age of Risk Zusammenfassung

War in an Age of Risk Christopher Coker

This study looks at how the Risk Society in which we live has restructured the way we think about security, as well as transformed the security agenda. War for the major powers has become the management of risk. For many smaller powers insecurity has become the currency of power for actors involved in markedly zero-sum games.

War in an Age of Risk Bewertungen

"As we have come to expect from a scholar of his intellectual wit and calibre, Coker delivers a masterful, not to mention thoroughly enjoyable, analysis." RUSI Journal "Christopher Coker is in a class by himself. His nimble, even dazzling arguments are buttressed by a rich body of quotations, allusions and references to English, French and German philosophy, cinema and literature, to the natural sciences and pop-sociology, and sometimes even to more esoteric specialties." Survival " War in an Age of Risk is an imaginative and penetrating study of the new strategic context by one of Britain's most creative and thoughtful strategic analysts. It is an outstanding work." Philip C. Bobbitt, University of Texas "Christopher Coker, perhaps the most incisive philosopher of war of our time, explains how the evolution of Western societies has influenced how those societies perceive and wage war. It is likely that historians, with the benefit of hindsight, will consider War in an Age of Risk an unusually perspicacious and seminal work." Dr H. R. McMaster, Colonel, US Army "Drawing on philosophy and sociology as well as military history, Christopher Coker presents a clear vision of what war will be all about in years to come. When historians of the future try to understand how wars of modern mass armies developed into the never-ending conflicts of risk societies they will read War in an Age of Risk . Commanders and policy-makers have the good fortune to be able to read it today." Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, Head of the Danish Institute for Military Studies, University of Texas

Über Christopher Coker

Christopher Coker is Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.


Preface Chapter 1 The Risk Society at War Chapter 2: War and Complexity Chapter 3: War in an Age of Risk Chapter 4: Consequence Management Chapter 5: The Geopolitics of Risk Management Chapter 6: The Risk Age and its discontents

Zusätzliche Informationen

War in an Age of Risk Christopher Coker
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Polity Press
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