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Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders Carl Nelson

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders von Carl Nelson

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders Carl Nelson

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Doing business across national borders is profitable. This book provides step-by-step guidance to show you how to take part in the world economy.

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders Zusammenfassung

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders Carl Nelson

Fully revised and updated-the go-to guide from an expert on international trade

Doing business across national borders is more profitable than ever. In the exhaustively revised fourth edition, Import/Export provides step-by-step guidance to show you how to take part in the booming world economy.

Über Carl Nelson

Dr. Carl Nelson is a specialist in international trade with over 40 years of global experience in government and private business. He is the author of seven books about international trade and economics; a professor of international business at the School of International Management, San Diego, California; and the president of Global Business and Trade (GBT), an international business training and consulting company specializing in the Pacific Rim and Mexican markets.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders Carl Nelson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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