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Countless Sleepless Nights Carina Maggar

Countless Sleepless Nights von Carina Maggar

Countless Sleepless Nights Carina Maggar

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A thoughtfully curated, beautifully packaged collection of coming out stories that remind us all of the courage it takes to speak your truth.

Countless Sleepless Nights Zusammenfassung

Countless Sleepless Nights: A collection of coming-out stories and experiences Carina Maggar

'I'm sorry I can't say this to your face, but words fail me every time I try, even though I know you would be fine (and knowing you, you might have already guessed).'

A moving, inspiring and thought-provoking collection of coming-out stories from around the world. From the good, the sad, the surprising and the funny, no two stories are the same, yet all are written by people who share the courage to be vulnerable, take huge risks to find love and acceptance and are brave enough to be their authentic selves. Whether you have any experience of coming out or not, these stories are incredibly powerful and moving.

Über Carina Maggar

Carina Maggar is a copywriter, author and creative based in London. She is the author of How to Make Work Not Suck: Honest Advice for People with Jobs. Countless Sleepless Nights is her second book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Countless Sleepless Nights: A collection of coming-out stories and experiences Carina Maggar
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Orion Publishing Co
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