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365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women Broadstreet Publishing

365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women von Broadstreet Publishing

365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women Broadstreet Publishing

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365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women Zusammenfassung

365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women Broadstreet Publishing

'The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.' Matthew 24:35 tpt This is one of the many promises God has spoken over you. His promises are for every situation and for all time. They reflect his character and confirm his purpose for your life. This book of prayers and declarations will help you gain confidence in the never-ending love and mercy of God. When you need encouragement or a reminder of who God is, turn to his Word and declare it over your situation. God's Word is living and active and as relevant today as it was when it was written. As you reflect on these daily entries, grab hold of God's promises, declare them over your life, and discover his unlimited grace and strength for your every need.

Über Broadstreet Publishing

Broadstreet Publishing is passionate about creating meaningful, inspirational product that shares God's truth to the world with beauty, quality, and creativity. They publish inspirational Christian books, fiction, non-fiction, devotions, Bible translations and more.

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365 Daily Prayers & Declarations for Women Broadstreet Publishing
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BroadStreet Publishing
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