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What If Einstein Was Wrong? Brian Clegg

What If Einstein Was Wrong? von Brian Clegg

What If Einstein Was Wrong? Brian Clegg

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Challenges a team of scholars to experiment with 50 topical science speculations at a time when the hunt for the Higgs boson particle is threatening to undermine the foundations of our knowledge.

What If Einstein Was Wrong? Zusammenfassung

What If Einstein Was Wrong?: Asking the big questions about physics Brian Clegg

What if...? are the two words that sow the seeds for human speculation, experimentation, invention, evolution, revolution, and change. In an uncertain age, economists are asking, What if growth stops growing?; scientists, What if light speed gets overtaken?; and politicians, What if the third world becomes the first? What If Einstein Was Wrong? challenges a team of scholars to experiment with 50 topical science speculations, at a time when the hunt for the Higgs boson particle is threatening to undermine the foundations of our knowledge. Consider what time travel, warp speed, artificial gravity, or the loss of Schrodingers cat would mean to us, and en route accumulate the knowledge you need to debate the shape that our science might take in the future. .

Zusätzliche Informationen

What If Einstein Was Wrong?: Asking the big questions about physics Brian Clegg
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Quarto Publishing PLC
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