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Bücher von Brian Williams

Brian Williams (1958-2002) was an artist, author, Tarot lecturer, and Italian expert who brought twenty-five years of experience and study to these related disciplines. He held a BA in Italian Renaissance Iconographic studies from the College of Letters and Science of the University of California, Berkeley (1982). He studied in Italy for a year at the Universita degli studi in Padova (Padua), Italy (1978-1979). He was later an artist-in-residence at the Istituto nazionale della grafica, Calcografia in Rome in 1984-85. In his four previous books, particularly the Renaissance Tarot, and in his many workshop and lectures, he established himself as an expert in the history and symbolism of the tarot. In addition, his divinatory decks have marked him as one of America's most prominent and prolific tarot artists. They include the "Renaissance Tarot," "PoMo (Postmodern) Tarot," "Angel Journey," and "The Minchiate Tarot." Williams was a frequent speaker and presenter at tarot organization events and meetings, and led tarot-focused educational/celebratory tours to Italy.