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101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Anna Sheryn

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 von Anna Sheryn

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Anna Sheryn

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Zusammenfassung

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Anna Sheryn

Designed specifically for players aged 7 to 11, this manual contains a wide range of progressive practice drills to help young players develop. Fun, educational and challenging, all drills are illustrated and cover the essential technical skills, including: warming up; speed and endurance; power development; ball skills; goal shooting; spatial awareness; team work; warming down. As well as easy-to-follow instructions, each drill contains information on the equipment needed, the space required, how to construct a safe and effective training session and how to organise the players. This new edition is fully updated with new drills and illustrations.

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Bewertungen

Fun, educational and challenging...101 Youth Netball Drills is the practice bible for youth netball coaches. * Sportsister *

Über Anna Sheryn

Anna and Chris Sheryn are experienced sports coaches. Chris works closely with the Lilleshall Sports Injury and Human Performance Centre; Anna is an experienced netball player and coach for her local club.

Zusätzliche Informationen

101 Youth Netball Drills Age 7-11 Anna Sheryn
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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