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Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh Amber Husain

Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh von Amber Husain

Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh Amber Husain

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An extended illustrated essay by writer Amber Husain critically examining romantic representations of meat in contemporary culture, drawing on a wide range of references across political theory, literature, and art.

Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh Zusammenfassung

Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh Amber Husain

In an era of climate catastrophe and corporate agribusiness, meat has been decisively made over. Urbanites across the West are called upon to look at the animals we eat, and by looking, learn to treat them with love. We are asked to tenderise our carnal desire for flesh and dignify our relationship with the land. Yet can our appetite for meat be redeemed by this new way of seeing? Can an 'ethical' approach to the farming, sale, and consumption of meat really save both the planet and our souls? Revisiting John Berger's writings on animals and class, Meat Love restores a materialist lens to the politics of carnivorous desire. In this vital essay, Amber Husain deconstructs the beauty, tragedy, and mystery with which our images of meat are embellished, drawing on a range of visual sources from contemporary art and film to Instagram and advertising. Probing the nature of 'love' in contemporary human-animal relations, it casts a critical eye on the visual culture of meat as it gentrifies and mutates, informing, for better or for worse, who we become as political subjects.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Meat Love: An Ideology of the Flesh Amber Husain
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