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The Story of Food: Sugar Alex Woolf

The Story of Food: Sugar von Alex Woolf

The Story of Food: Sugar Alex Woolf

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The amazing stories behind our everyday foods - how they have changed the course of history, triggered wars, created black markets, are the cause for whole industries and have revolutionised our diets

The Story of Food: Sugar Zusammenfassung

The Story of Food: Sugar Alex Woolf

The little grains you use to sweeten your food every day have an amazing story to tell. Like many other foods, sugar has a fascinating history, spanning centuries, continents and cultures. Wars have been fought over this food, empires conquered and black markets have flourished. This book describes the journey sugar has taken, from the use of sugarcane in ancient India to the staple sweetener in our cupboards today.

Other topics covered are health aspects of sugar, how it is produced, its chemical properties and how it is traded around the world.

An ideal leisure read, but also perfect for course work and presentations.

Über Alex Woolf

Alex Woolf studied history at Essex University, and has written and edited many 20th century history titles for young people.


  • 1: What is sugar?
  • 2: How sugar is used
  • 3: Sugar cane
  • 4: Sugar beet
  • 5: Sugar and our health
  • 6: Sugar in ancient times
  • 7: Sugar in the Middle Ages
  • 8: Sugar cane in the Americas
  • 9: Sugar and slavery
  • 10: Sugar beet in Europe
  • 11: An ever sweeter world
  • 12: The changing sugar industry
  • 13: Sugar today
  • 14: Timeline

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Story of Food: Sugar Alex Woolf
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hachette Children's Group
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