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100 Words for Rain Alex Johnson

100 Words for Rain von Alex Johnson

100 Words for Rain Alex Johnson

Zustand - Wie Neu
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  • Supported by the National Trust
  • Quirky and fascinating facts about Britains favourite subject the weather.
  • Includes all sorts of weird and wonderful weather words from around the country.
  • Supercharge your small talk, never be stuck for something to say.

100 Words for Rain Zusammenfassung

100 Words for Rain (National Trust) Alex Johnson

  • Supported by the National Trust
  • Quirky and fascinating facts about Britains favourite subject the weather.
  • Includes all sorts of weird and wonderful weather words from around the country.
  • Supercharge your small talk, never be stuck for something to say.

Have you ever saved up for a rainy day, had your head in the clouds or generally felt under the weather? The British obsession with weather and the words we use to describe it have come to define us. We talk about it endlessly five whole months of our lives to be precise. We use it to start conversations with complete strangers. It affects our moods, shopping habits and even how we vote. This book is packed with information youll want to share about this most important subject quirky history, surprising facts, folklore, strange words and even stranger people.

Über Alex Johnson

Alex Johnson is a journalist and author. His books include Shedworking, Menus that Made History and The Book Lovers Joke Book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

100 Words for Rain (National Trust) Alex Johnson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
HarperCollins Publishers
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