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Act 3 Adrian Reith

Act 3 von Adrian Reith

Act 3 Adrian Reith

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How to re-imagine your life after 50

Act 3 Zusammenfassung

Act 3: The Art of Growing Older Adrian Reith

At last, the life you want . . . post 50.

We're living longer, in better health, with higher expectations than any generation in human history. With an extra adult chapter to look forward to, what will you do? Who else could you be? How will you evolve the best plan for your life between 50 and 80?

Judy and Adrian Reith have decades of experience in helping people see hidden possibilities, clarify their goals and achieve life-changing results. In Act 3 they suggest practical steps to make your life more fulfilling as you age. From the ground up this book will help you identify and strengthen the four roots you'll need for a happy and successful third act. It illustrates how your attitude, purpose, relationships and values are keystones to a life without regret.

Act 3 gives tools and tips to help you focus on what matters, with chapters on Work, Home, Money, Health, Play, the World and Friends. You'll be inspired by original stories of those who have changed their lives after 50 and be able to re-imagine your future, and so get the life you want . . . at last.

Act 3 Bewertungen

'This is exactly the book I want to read right now! It's inspiring, intelligent and provocative - but also unexpectedly comforting. It makes getting older feel like a grand adventure. I want to give this to all my contemporaries' Brian Eno

'Your head says you're 34. Your body begs to differ. Wise up young codgers! Try these useful and inspiring stories and feel better instantly' Simon Mayo

'A gentler, kinder way to grow older - these stories give me hope' Charlie Mackesy, author of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

'Packed with stories and practical ideas' Justine Roberts, founder of mumsnet and gransnet

'Judy and Adrian Reith here guide us wisely and cheerfully into the wonderland of old age. Forget adventure tourism, here is a way to plan for a more amazing expedition. Step into these pages, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for the trip of a lifetime: the sublime astonishing experience we have all been waiting for and wondering about' Michael Leunig, Australian cartoonist, poet and cultural commentator

'With more and more us living better, for longer than ever before, the idea of being on the 'wrong side of 50' is way past its sell-by date. Act 3: The Art of Growing Older is therefore a book for our times. With the right blend of insight and inspiration, tips and tools, Judy and Adrian Reith show how we can all make the most of later life' Carl Honore, author of Bolder: Making the Most of Our Longer Lives

'Age is a strange thing: we dream of it; we dread it; we learn to leave some things behind; we loathe to leave some things behind. With each decade comes new lessons, new sadnesses, new joys. This book helps navigate those changes: the easy ones and the difficult ones. It brings comfort, and celebration, and wisdom . . . it is a balm' Padraig O Tuama, poet and writer

Über Adrian Reith

Judy Reith has been a coach and parenting expert for twenty years. She draws on her professional training in child development, counselling and parent education to help thousands of parents, some of whom are also entering Act 3. She is the author of 7 Secrets of Raising Girls Every Parent Must Know, Be a Great Mum and Transform Living with Teenagers.

Aged fifty in 2006, Adrian Reith ditched a successful career as a writer and director in advertising to help people unscramble their mental spaghetti. Having re-trained as a coach he works with executives and leaders to help them make the most of life and work. He and Judy live together in Cambridge. @Act3Life

Zusätzliche Informationen

Act 3: The Art of Growing Older Adrian Reith
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