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One Day at a Time Diary 2023 Abby Wynne

One Day at a Time Diary 2023 von Abby Wynne

One Day at a Time Diary 2023 Abby Wynne

Zustand - Wie Neu
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This elegant diary will help you enjoy every moment of 2023. Use it to write down your appointments and to-do lists or, if you want to go on a deeper journey of personal healing and transformation in 2023, explore the monthly themes such as awareness, mindfulness, connection and peace.

One Day at a Time Diary 2023 Zusammenfassung

One Day at a Time Diary 2023: A year-long journey of personal healing and transformation Abby Wynne

This elegant diary will help you enjoy every moment of 2023.

Use it to write down your appointments and to-do lists or, if you want to go on a deeper journey of personal healing and transformation in 2023, explore the monthly themes such as awareness, mindfulness, connection and peace. These themes have been deliberately chosen to support you through the energy shifts of the year, and you will find exercises, quotes and affirmations to help you slow down, step out of time and reconnect to your heart.

By creating this space for self-care and reflection, you will connect with who you really are and what you want from life. Open this diary and discover the keys to your own unique happiness and wellbeing in 2023 - one day at a time.

Über Abby Wynne

Abby Wynne is a bestselling author and healer who blends shamanism, psychotherapy and energy healing to create a unique way of working, which she shares with the world through her many offerings. Her core teachings work towards empowering you to do your inner work with strength and courage, while providing a structure and foundation to guide you.

Zusätzliche Informationen

One Day at a Time Diary 2023: A year-long journey of personal healing and transformation Abby Wynne
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