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Kids' Cakes A Pickard

Kids' Cakes von A Pickard

Kids' Cakes A Pickard

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Kids' Cakes Zusammenfassung

Kids' Cakes A Pickard

There's nothing like a homemade cake to celebrate a special occasion, especially where children are concerned, and no matter what that occasion, you'll find something to fit the bill in this selection of 9 fabulous children's cakes. You can make them exactly as shown or adapt them to suit yourself. By following the illustrated step-by-step instructions and practical advice, even beginners will be able to make these imaginative cakes. You'll learn how to make buttercream, cover cakes like a professional, create a range of fun cake characters and use a variety of piping techniques. Even experienced cake makers will enjoy the inspirational and inventive approach. These cakes are sure to make your children's faces light up with glee and soon have them clamouring for more. AUTHOR: Ann Pickard qualified as a Baker and Cake Decorator in 1983 and opened her own shop, 'The Icing Centre', in 1986. She runs a successful cake-decorating business in Weston-super-Mare in Somerset, UK and has published seven books on cake decorating, called 'The Idiot's Guides' , which have sold in excess of 45,000 copies in the last 16 years. She has also produced a range of DVDs on the same subject.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Kids' Cakes A Pickard
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
GMC Publications
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