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Books by Pamela Yatsko

Pamela Yatsko was the Far Eastern Economic Review's first Shanghai correspondent and bureau chief since the Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949. She lived in Shanghai with her husband from 1995 to 1998 before moving to Hong Kong and returning to the city frequently. An American from Massachusetts, she received her Bachelor's Degree from Smith College in 1984 and her Master's Degree specializing in China Studies and International Economics from the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in 1988. Before joining the Review in 1994, she was the Managing Editor of Hong Kong--based Business China, an Economist Group publication, worked as a freelance journalist in India, and wrote case studies focusing on global strategic alliances for Harvard Business School. She studied Mandarin in the 1980s in Taiwan and at the Hopkins Center in Nanjing, China. She and her husband currently live in Mill Valley, California.
New Shanghai By Pamela Yatsko
New Shanghaiby Pamela Yatsko