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Books by Lisa Fridsma

Brie Gyncild aims to make technical information accessible to those who need it. Brie wrote The Photoshop CS5 Pocket Guide and The Photoshop Elements 8 Pocket Guide. She has also co-written The Photoshop Show Starring Russell Brown; numerous editions of the Classroom in a Book series on Photoshop, After Effects, Flash, and Acrobat; and several editions of the How to Wow series. Brie lives in Seattle with cats and an overgrown garden.

Lisa Fridsma has long loved the process of teaching others to use Adobe products. She has written, edited, and designed over thirty books in the Classroom in a Book series over the last two decades (including books on Photoshop and After Effects), starting with her time on-staff at Adobe. She is currently the owner of Darlington Hill Productions (informational illustrations and publishing). Lisa lives in Bethesda, Maryland, with her family which includes a tortoise and an above-average dog.